Thursday 6 September 2007

Moment of Realisation

Ok, that's it...No more Mr Fat Guy!

I'm pretty sure I'm not the first fat bastard to have said that, but I think this time I definitely mean it. I will give a brief history of my physical state over the last few years:

16 years old: Had just given up badminton, which I played 2-3 times a week for at least 5 years. Loved it, but I just felt that I wasn't going to be England No.1.

18 years old: Must have been nearing 16 stone before embarking on my university experience. Lost about one and a half stone in my first term, but then rapidly put that back on.

20 years old: Uni wasn't going too well, I didn't play any sport, i didn't really move from my bed much. I was a binge gambler, a binge drinker and a binge sleeper. I rocketed up to 21 stone by summer 2005.

It was after I drank about 32 units of alcohol on one night and i still wasn't drunk that I realised that I was in big trouble.

21 years old: I worked my way down to 17 stone by summer 2007 after pushing myself in the gym and somehow managing to use all my powers of persuasion to play with the university badminton team. However, the was no denying that I was eating the same old rubbish and drinking at least 28 units a week.

22 years old: Graduated with a very average degree. Moved to Bristol for some very very strange reason. Got a job, and with that came the urge to join a gym. My housemate is a keen sportsman. We've built up a rivalry in raquet sports, he's better at tennis, but then I will kill him at squash and badminton. I am now nearing confirming my sub-16 stone status, just...

23 years old: I turned 23 in August 2007. It wasn't a memorable day, but that sort of thing happens when you tell no one at work.

So here goes, I suppose I better be blunt and explain why I'm writing a blog. I feel like my friends under estimate me a lot. I've been called lazy on numerous occasions over the last year and this in a period where I have been down the gym 3 times a week. So what is it?!!
I have a belly, that is my main problem. I can only assume people pick up on that and think I'm lazy. So that is gonna have to go.

I don't usually talk about my sex life, but I think that it may be necessary for the purpose of this blog. Erm, this is difficult...I haven't had a girfriend or sexual partner for at least 5 years. In that time I can just remember kissing only a few girls in that time as well. I'm definitely not good looking, I'm never gonna say that I am...but hey, I would like to think I was average. I'm over 6 foot tall so I do feel that shorter girls aren't an option for me. This is all relevant because I feel that if I had a better body then I think I would pick up my perfect girl(It's a lovely thought, I suppose I'll just use it for inspiration).

I've said way too much, so I'll finalise the post. Over the next few weeks I will be announcing how I will acheive my final goal (tba next week). Detailing the training I have done to lose weight and I will describe how I feel. I will also document my diet, with large amounts of criticism. Hopefully this blog will help me focus and I would be happy if it provided inspiration for others.

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